
We’ve all seen the Business Development Managers (BDMs) who talk the talk of prospecting: they attend conferences, absorb sales advice, and quote best practices. Yet, when it’s time to act – to pick up the phone and engage – they hesitate. As a result, their skills remain untapped, opportunities slip by, and their potential goes unrealised.

This scenario finds a surprising parallel in the world of sales management. Consider a sales manager, equipped with coaching skills and development tools, overseeing a team poised for support. This setup holds tremendous potential to unlock greatness within the team. However, much like the BDM who never picks up the phone, some managers fail to translate their expertise into regular, impactful coaching conversations.

Here’s the unfortunate truth: Being in sales and having a coach who only intervenes during emergencies is akin to being a star athlete whose coach only shows up for the championship game. Without consistent coaching, reps miss out on the ongoing guidance and feedback that propels them to peak performance. Valuable insights and feedback are lost, thwarting sustainable and continuous progress.

So, how can one avoid becoming the “silent coach?” Firstly, what might be hindering a silent coach in a leadership team? The most common reasons are:

  • Time Constraints: Overloaded schedules leave little room for coaching.
  • Comfort Zone: Fear of confrontation or discomfort with giving constructive feedback.
  • Lack of Structure: Unclear processes for integrating coaching into daily routines.

The key is understanding the reason for the lack of coaching.

The remedy

Coaches must schedule and commit to dedicated and regular coaching sessions and in-field ride-alongs, actively review call recordings or discuss client meetings, and incorporate role-playing to practise standard moves, like overcoming objections. Consistent coaching is the fuel that propels reps—and teams—to success. Don’t let their potential remain dormant. Oh, and of course don’t lead the call reluctant BDM by example 😊.

Remember, everybody lives by selling something.


“I have attended many Sales Training Courses in my 36 Years of working in high pressure Sales Roles. In these courses, the message is relatively all the same, teaching basic techniques. However, the techniques and philosophy of the “ Barrett selling better” course was a breath of fresh air.

“As a seasoned Sales Campaigner, it brought new insights and thought processes that I had never encountered before. The course and philosophy delve into the mind of the Customer and the Salesperson and gives you interesting tools that you can use.

“Whether you have entered into a Sales Role for the first time or you are an experienced pro, both will benefit from the “Barrett selling better” in depth course. I highly recommend Barrett Training. Everybody lives by selling something.”

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