Sales Trend 3 – Humans AND Tech in Synergy


This is Sales Trend 3 from Barrett’s 12 Business and Sales Trends for 2024. You can download the full report here.

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This trend is about the pivotal role that the synergy of humans and technology brings to advance business success. Humans bring innovation, creativity, and customer-centricity, while technology facilitates data-driven decisions and operational efficiency. This collaboration ensures adaptability, robust risk management, and heightened productivity. The amalgamation of ethical considerations benefits from technology-enabled monitoring and human ethical reasoning. Businesses embracing this human-technology alliance gain a competitive edge by leveraging the strengths of both realms for unparalleled innovation and success.

In 2 minutes

In the landscape of evolving business dynamics, the synergy between humans and technology takes centre stage. While we have discussed aspects of this trend in the past, this is an ongoing and rapidly evolving topic that requires and deserves ongoing assessment and scrutiny. This isn’t just about AI or any specific tech; it’s about optimising outcomes by combining the capabilities of AI and human expertise.

Businesses are recognising the crucial role both human and technological elements play in achieving success. This harmonious synergy between people and technology drives innovation, efficiency, and can create a competitive advantage. While this is an endless and continuously evolving topic, the following “checklist” can help find the balance between the use of technology and human input, to advance business success.

Ways the Human-Tech Partnership Drives Business Success:
  1. Enhancing Productivity: The digital era offers tools like automation, AI, and data analytics, significantly boosting productivity. The human intervention in designing, implementing, and interpreting these outputs is what delivers substantial productivity gains.
  2. Innovation and Creativity: Technology excels at precision tasks, crunching numbers, and performing repetitive tasks at accelerated speeds. Human ingenuity injects fresh ideas and the ability to envision novel solutions to complex problems.
  3. Customer-Centric Approach: Technology collects and analyses customer data, personalises interactions, and can streamline customer engagement. Personal connection supports the understanding of nuanced customer needs, fostering authentic relationships.
  4. Decision-Making: Humans have strategic insight, consider organisational impact, the human experience, and ethical implications to make informed decisions based on relevant data.
  5. Adaptability: Real-time data from technology empowers humans to adapt, pivot, and lead through uncertainties, making a business more resilient, and allowing it to navigate challenges effectively.
  6. Risk Management: The human-tech partnership ensures intelligent risk management, comprehensively understanding potential outcomes.
  7. Ethical Considerations: Amid increasing scrutiny regarding their ethical and social responsibilities, humans contribute ethical reasoning, compassion, and social awareness, while technology aids in monitoring and ensuring compliance.

Businesses that acknowledge and act on the value of this human-tech partnership gain a competitive edge. This collaboration enhances creativity, adaptability, ethics, and relationship-building, while also optimising efficiency, providing data insights, and automating processes. Successful businesses recognise that true innovation and success lie in the harmonious collaboration of humans and technology.

You can download the Barrett 12 Business and Sales Trends Report for 2024 here.

Remember, everybody lives by selling something.


The Audit & Risk Team of ASX listed company: ‘We’ve come to the conclusion that many of our reports and presentations are, in fact, sales pitches for better ways of operating.’

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