Barrett – participant of the United Nations Global Compact


As a business, Barrett has been committed to ethical business and sales practices since we opened our doors in 1995. We have remained true to our principles and values that reflect that commitment:

  • Ethical, human-centred and sustainable selling practices and ethos
  • Fair and mutual exchange of value
  • Mutual success and prosperity
  • Long term sustainability
  • Designing and enacting business, leadership, and sales practices for a better world

In December 2009 we published the first issue of the Barrett 12 Sales Trends Report. It was titled ‘12 Sales Trends for 2010: No more “Business as usual”’. Sales trend 10 in that report was focused on sustainable selling – about forging cultures that are based on legitimate business relationships which serve the environment, people, businesses, and communities. We have been reporting on this evolution ever since.

The Selling Better Movement

Some years later we launched the Selling Better Movement –an ethos of 12 guiding principles- to help people understand that there’s a better way of doing business and selling. The manifesto of the Selling Better Movement represents a declaration of our intentions to consciously reclaim and practice the true essence of selling for a sustainable and prosperous world. One of the guiding principles of this movement is ‘Above all, do no harm’ and this comprises people, businesses, customers, suppliers, communities, and the planet.

We believe that businesses – their leaders, teams, boards and shareholders- are accountable for their decisions and actions and have a responsibility to the communities they operate in. They have the opportunity to promote and advance human-centred cultures and communities that have the wellbeing and prosperity of people and the planet at the heart of their business values, strategies, and operations.

Now we are thrilled to announce that we are proud participants of the United Nations Global Compact.

What is the UN Global Compact?

The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, providing a principle-based framework, best practices, resources and networking events that have revolutionised how companies do business responsibly and keep commitments to society.

The UN Global Compact is a call to organisations –small and large- to align their strategies and operations with ten universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and act in a way to advance societal goals — including the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Being participants of the UN Global Compact formalises our commitment to ethical business and sales practices, and a sustainable future.

To learn more or join, please visit

The ten principles of UN Global Compact:

Human Rights

Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and

Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.


Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;

Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;

Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and

Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;

Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and

Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.


Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

This is our commitment to you – our team, our clients, our suppliers, our partners, our families, and our communities. This is what Selling Better looks like.

Remember, everybody lives by selling something.

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