Dear prospects – salespeople are not mind readers

By 20/01/2021 January 22nd, 2021 Attitudes & Behaviours, Blog, Buying, Prospecting

Dear (certain) prospects,

We, as most businesses, put a lot of work into making it easy for you to find us when you are in need of our services, and rejoice when you contact us. We are ready to help you -or at least, find out IF we can help you- but alas, we are not mind readers.

To assess whether we can help you or not, we first need your help – we need you to answer our questions.

So when having reached out to us, you act cryptic or scarce with your information, despite us asking you effective questions, we can’t help or serve you well or at all. We understand that sometimes you don’t know what you want or need, but all we are asking is for you to work with us and give us some parameters so we can help you find the answers you are looking for. We can’t help you otherwise. And we want to help you, we really do; and you probably need the help, that’s why you contacted us in the first place, isn’t it?

I mean what are you afraid of? Appearing like you don’t know enough what you’re talking about? No one is judging you. Are you wary that we will forever haunt you to close the deal after you said ‘no’? That won’t happen either. No pressure.

Then some of you email us quotes from competitors asking us to match them instead of taking the time to give us a proper briefing. We know people price match all the time but “Just give me your best price on ‘whatever’” with no context doesn’t work either. Ethical businesses and salespeople don’t like their competitors being treated with disrespect, and besides, they wouldn’t like it if the shoe was on the other foot.

Also, we are not being rude or disrespectful if we ask you to complete a form or brief questionnaire to scope things. It helps us understand your situation better, and, more often than not, it helps you get more clarity about your situation, too. Questions deliver answers to both the questioner and the person being questioned.

Lastly, of course, if you don’t want to work with us, we understand, every business is not a match for every prospect; however, you can say so politely. There’s no need to be rude if you don’t like our offering. We are professional business people too, who work to create healthy viable relationships built on collaboration, trust, and mutual respect because that is good business.

We know that the vast majority of prospects who call or walk into businesses, looking to buy or find out more about a product or service, are usually very respectful and want to work with the sales and service people they encounter. Sure, there are sales and service people who could dramatically lift their game, but that’s another blog, and in any case, rudeness is not acceptable from anyone.

We are here to help you help yourself.

Yours respectfully,

Remember, everybody lives by selling something.

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