Sustainable Selling is a movement started by Barrett which seeks to encourage, develop and endorse ethical selling principles, ideas, values and practices which value trust, transparency, substance, community, the environment and healthy profits while discouraging the exploitation of people and resources, excessive consumption and greed.  Sustainable Selling plays a role in Barrett’s sales training, sales consulting and sales coaching.

Sustainable Selling recognises that everybody lives by selling something and that selling is about the principle of exchange – the sustainable exchange of ideas, innovations, products, tools, concepts, feelings, money and value.  The focus is on creating Sustainable Selling business cultures by encouraging and sales training all people in sustainable selling and business principles and skills so they can forge legitimate business relationships which serve the environment, people, business and communities.

Ideally Sustainable Selling is about:

  1. Results not solutions.
  2. Contribution, not distribution.
  3. Outcomes, not income.
  4. Connections, not transactions.
  5. Ideas, not product.
  6. Collaboration not competiveness
  7. Contribution, not distribution
  8. Creativity, not productivity.
  9. Renewable, not consumable

Read more on the Sustainable Selling website.